Decoração | Luca Millani Design | Brasil
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The quality that makes you feel at home


Encantar e inspirar por meio de soluções criativas e humanizadas, superando as expectativas dos clientes com excelência. Comprometemo-nos com a consciência ambiental, integrando práticas sustentáveis, incluindo o descarte adequado de resíduos.


Ser líderes na indústria criativa, impulsionando o progresso com abordagem inovadora e sustentável, centrada nas pessoas.


 -Transformar o comum em extraordinário
- Valorizar relações, empatia e colaboração.
- Compromisso com a excelência em todos os detalhes.
- Colocar os clientes em primeiro lugar.
- Contribuir para um futuro sustentável, minimizando impactos e promovendo o descarte correto de resíduos.


Graduated in São Paulo in 1987 as a visual artist, Luca Millani studied artisan glassmaking in New York from 1994 to 1997, where he lived and developed exclusive techniques. Passionate about glass, combining concepts of aesthetics, color, textures and shapes, he decided to dedicate himself entirely to manipulating and transforming glass into art.   Returning to Brazil in 1997, he began his research in the area, using the "fusing" and "blowing" techniques, and thus began to develop exclusive projects for architects, decorators and decoration stores across the country.  Some of his works can be seen at the MAM - Museum of Modern Art - in São Paulo, and at decoration and design fairs in Brazil and abroad.

Since 1996, Luca Millani has been developing fusing and blowing techniques, revealing shapes hidden in flat and transparent boards. For years, the work carried out in research and attuning to the behavior of glass has made Luca Millani an international reference in technique and style.


wall decorations

Regardless of your style or objective, we have the best options in wall decorations for your home. Check out our variety of prints, styles and colors - the options are endless! And our unbeatable prices and quality customer service will keep you coming back for even more.

Bathroom acessories

Luca Millani Design can help you customize your space and add a little warmth and style to your environments. Our selection of Entire Home Accessories will help you make your style even more perfect. With prices so affordable, it will be difficult to stick to just one item or room. So why not enjoy and decorate the whole house?

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Table Centers - Fusing

Shine in every environment of the  your store! At  Luca Millani Design, the sky is the limit when it comes to unique products. Our range of glass products  provides countless opportunities to add personality to your space. Match color schemes and patterns. Let your imagination run free - it's free!

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